Aah a coffee with a speculaas biscuit, my hat against the cold (since a few days it is freezing in the Netherlands) and the new Franka, a comic for boys really..
I like this kind of 'advertisement'; an artshop has the names of the bigger cities of Holland displayed. I feel when you are a shop in a provincial town stay local and don't put Tokio or New York there.
Or maybe they really have shops in these cities, I don't know....
I took a picture of a 'yawner' in Vianen. A yawner is a stone or wooden head, often depicting a Moor, on the front of a building in the Netherlands. It was used to indicate that this building is a pharmacy.
It's that time of the year that you buy goodies for the night of St Nicolas (the 5th of December). This are letters, usually you get a chocolate letter of the first letter of your name...
I am not into the Sinterklaas celebrations, but I do eat some of the goodies which you can buy. This is a marzipan piggy I endulged in. Sweet marzipan with a little bit of chocolate coating. I ate all and felt guilty....
I have been to the market this morning. One stand, I realized is probably very Dutch. A stand only selling tulips bulbs. Selections of dark purple and pink tulip bulbs. Red and yellow, different shapes and sizes. I don't know what it is with tulips. It's one of the national symbols as a flower they are nothing special, still I like them. From time to time I buy a bunch.
A very Dutchy site, I had to take an alternative route to my work this morning because of a serious jam on the highway I usually take. I saw this windmill and thought, 'that's a nice post for Daily'.
I don't eat meat or milk products, so I discovered that you actually don't need a refrigerator. I don't drink soda's either so I have lived for years without one. But sometimes a refrigerator comes in handy. When you throw a party for example. But with a little bit creativity: I cool my drinks in the bathtub... :)
During a party at a friend we made a small boat trip on the canal of Woerden. I saw the town from a different angle.. This is a shot of the Castle and Catholic Church.
Almost walked allover it, somebody drew this question mark on the beach. What would have been the question? Where am I in the point of my life, where am I going, what will I do? What is the right way to go. It is my interpretation of the question mark on the beach, but it are indeed the questions I am struggling with..
City in the west of the Dutch province Utrecht, founded by the Romans in 40 AD as a castellum at the Northern Fronteer of the Roman Empire. Received city rights in 1372, forensic city for North and South Holland's bigger cities, 33.650 inhabitants.
Community Woerden
Woerden Community contains the towns and villages: Harmelen, Kamerik and Zegveld.
Are you having a laugh?
[image: Are you having a laugh?]
Parking the bike at Kornhamnstorg in Gamla stan, I spotted the two guys at
the bench. They sure seemed happy about their S...
Omlaagkijken # 47 verbeeldingskracht
Start van een thriller - multiple choice
(A) Op de plaats delict resteerde slechts de veer van de voor DNA onderzoek
meegenomen wipkip.
(B) In afwach...
Priscas novissima exsaltat et amor. Murcia 1200.
As commented on different posts (visit label "Murcia 1200"), the city of
Murcia is commemorating the 1200 anniversary of its founding (825 BC).
A littl...
April Theme Day: School
This is the third week my grandkids have been home from school because of
the COVID-19 pandemic and it looks like this is the new normal for the rest
of ...
[image: The sky out of the window, Via Borsi, Livorno]
The sky out of the window, Via Borsi.
Il cielo fuori della finestra, via Borsi.
Marble, the Decoration
*Marble is one of the dogs featured on Sky Hill Animal Society's Christmas
tree at the Selma Riverwalk. Numerous businesses and organizations
decorated ...
Destroying Police
Today I was driving through Kliversala area and noticed that the old Tsar-style
police department is being demolished...
It was the very first PD in Riga o...
Give us a film shoot…
Yeah, we’re very cool in Brooklyn, as you’ve heard. But when there’s a TV
series shooting in a central location, we crowd the sidewalks and wait for
a smal...
Red Squirrel - 10 Years On
Peter Trimming is the man taking the photograph. On his flickr site there
are quite some more pictures.
My stroke happened 4 years back. Today I am slow...
Where to find me!
Hello my friends,
Just to say that I now post daily on *Menton Daily Photo* - where you'll
find images of Menton and surrounding towns and villages, includ...
Nothing is Certain
As some of you may remember my partner passed away a year ago today.
I've never really taken a break not even from my blog to think a reflect on
what I wi...
From Park Śląski with Love
The lovers from the folk song "Poszła Karolinka do Gogolina" ("Caroline
went to Gogolin"; lovers: Karolinka -- Caroline and Karliczek -- Charles,
De eerste en laatste van 2015..
Na ruim 5 jaar dagelijks een foto uit Venlo neem ik een jaar sabbatical..
..niet van fotografie, maar wel van Venlo Daily Photo.
In 2015 wil ik tijd make...
The End!
Here we are...! It's been nearly 10 years, though it seems like just
yesterday, when I started posting a photo a day of Paris on this blog after
I was gi...
Segue, com pedido de divulgação em massa, o presente CONVITE para assistir
à mostra de filmes «*TRêS** FILMES | UMA MISSÃO”*, no âmbito da divulgação
January theme day: Photo of the Year
Since I spent most of 2013 in Toronto, it only seems fair to choose a
favorite shot from that city. This was a special winter shot from Niagara
Falls tak...
The end
Guys, you may have noticed, i've been afk for a couple of days.
I broke a toe which made me rather immobile and on top of that have a
zillion things to do o...
The Roaches, Wild and Free
The exhibition is now on I would love your feed back. Crafted by
professional photographer Brett Trafford and wonderfully displayed in the
Foxlowe,The Mark...