This is the dilapidating building of the Gouda Cheese Central. Gouda cheese does not necessarily comes from Gouda but is made by Gouda cheese standards. So Gouda cheese also came from Woerden. Gouda is a city close by, just 15 min by train (the next stop). Holland is really just a very small densely populated country.
Read some more on Gouda cheese at wikipedia.
Funny, never knew, i also thought cheese with the Gouda label came from Gouda.
Gouda cheese was my favorite as a child. I thought it was very European and exotic! :-)
This building is really cute! I would eat some gouda from Woerden any day!
...and traveling by rail is the best way to criss-cross through Holland, in my opinion. I've been fortunate to do it twice.
Tell them to keep the Gouda Cheese coming. I love it.
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