Daily Photo Blog that shows you
life in a small Town in Central Netherlands
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Hidden Mural
I could spend months blogging on the Dome so I will stick to one particular shot.
First a very short history of the Dome Church: it's probably near the site of the first church of Utrecht, founded by St. Willibort in 600, dedicated to St. Martin (the protection Saint of The Netherlands). It has been a rich Catholic Church until the reformation when it became Protestant and which it remained till today, it still functions as a church and has an active community.
During restorations they found some artefacts which survived the iconoclasm of 1572. This painting was found under layers of chalk. When I see it I am always fascinated, as if it is a 'window' to the past, knowing that people of five to six hundred years ago looked at the same image almost unchanged.
Information on the church The dome from the air with Google maps
City in the west of the Dutch province Utrecht, founded by the Romans in 40 AD as a castellum at the Northern Fronteer of the Roman Empire. Received city rights in 1372, forensic city for North and South Holland's bigger cities, 33.650 inhabitants.
Community Woerden
Woerden Community contains the towns and villages: Harmelen, Kamerik and Zegveld.
John O'Mill
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leidt zelden tot een happy ending.
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[image: Almhöjden] [image: The Meditation Hill]
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of ...
[image: The sky out of the window, Via Borsi, Livorno]
The sky out of the window, Via Borsi.
Il cielo fuori della finestra, via Borsi.
Marble, the Decoration
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decorated ...
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Falls tak...
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The Roaches, Wild and Free
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Foxlowe,The Mark...
Nice post, liked the clip with the sound of bells! It seems so real...
The mural is beautiful especially when I enlarge it. I love the added bonus of the video!
this mural is wonderful. well done
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