Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Hague 17. The Prince of Orange

Opposite the Palace is a statue of the Prince of Orange on a horse. Quite some skilled work of art. Every time I see this statue I have to think of a story. The statue faces the Palace, while this originally wasn't so. The story goes that Queen Wilhelmina ordered it to be turned around. This because she was irritated looking at its back side. When you take a closer look at the following picture you know why. The artist did a very realistic representation of a horses backside...


PAK said...

Very complicated sculpture!
(It is my private opinion. In work we have to scan similar (but smaller) sculpture using 3D scanners -- it was not easy, and our friend tries to complete model about four months...)

Guy D said...

What a magnificent statue, you captured it perfectly.

Regina In Pictures

Halcyon said...

Hee! I like the photos and the story. I had never heard that before.