Sunday, March 8, 2009


This is a very familiar site for me, and I hardly notice, but I know that for foreigners this is a very unusual site. It are the bicycles at the train station of the commuting people.


VP said...

I was fascinated by the bikes when I was there!
Here, somebody will steal everything with a truck in five minutes.

lemon said...

Hahaha, I want to repeat Vogon Poet's comment!!
I was also fascinated by the bikes when I was there.
And, here, somebody would steal any bike let without being locked, in five minutes!
(Una faccia, una raccia, is true, I suppose!!!)

Anonymous said...

I took pictures of them when I was in Amsterdam. It was incredible.

Enjoyed your blog. My daughter did a University year in Utrecht.

Julie said...

Whoa. this is a photo of bikes. I have never seen anything like this except for people riding bikes en masse in China. It is funny how sometimes we all take the everyday scenes in our community for granted yet they are so different to others who do not live in your city I enjoy being a follower of your site as your photos are interesting and informative. Happy photo blogging!

Ineke said...

You are right, whenever we have visitors over they take photo's of bikes at the station :)

Greg Dimitriadis said...

Great photo! The train station in Leuven used to be exactly like that but now they've built a covered bike park and we can't see them anymore.

Nancy said...

Hi there! Thanks for your visit to San Diego.

This is a fantastic sight. I wish more people would commute here in San Diego but the public transportation is not as great as it is in Europe.

Rob said...

So many bicycles, how does the owner find their own?