Friday, March 2, 2012

Rubens exposition

Currently there is an exposition in the Hermitage of Amsterdam, Rubens, Van Eijk and Jordeans. It was a fabulous experience! I seen paintings which I seen before in the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg.

Discussing art...

An Ecco Homo as I have never seen before. This painting never been in a church but belonged to a private collection.

Inside the musuem, the Hermitage of Amsterdam is very big, but only a part is used for exhibtions.

1 comment:

betty said...

Me llama mucho la atención que puedas hacer fotos en los museos, aquí no permiten hacer fotos es más muchas veces te piden que dejes todo a la entrada pero... es una suerte que ahí si dejen porque así podemos seguir viendo el mundo don tus ojos.