John O'Mill
Gebrek aan intellectuele standing
leidt zelden tot een happy ending.
Detail uit Bonny Ballads, Laren, Andries Blitz 1959
De pilaren in de LocHal zi...
3 hours ago
Daily Photo Blog that shows you life in a small Town in Central Netherlands
Nice but that's too much flash for me.
I've discovered that too in my work. They're usually much nicer and less obnoxiously demanding too. Glad to hear about the catering.
I can probably afford a cast metal model of a Jaguar, but that's it.
That’s nice; very flashy. I can only dream of having a car like this. Perhaps someday, when my loans are settled and I’m earning well. =) For now, I have to settle with my hand-me-down rusty old truck. It’s still reliable and has never let me down anyway. =)
Lawrence Harkness
“I think it's time for a new car..” - The picture explains it all. It's a great inspiration to get a new car. It's been months, have you already bought a new car? If you still haven't, I would highly recommend choosing a car that is practical, yet stylish, if you are to use it everyday. #Ashely @
I'll definitely go for a new car after seeing this fascinating one. Sadly, I still have to wait for a couple of months before I can buy my own. Hehe! Its been nine months now, and I hope you've already bought your new car. Just post an update about your new car, please? :)
Paul Crabtree @
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